I'm trying to develop a tutorial from http://www.ssbits.com that uses Dataobject as pages. Here's the link to it: http://www.ssbits.com/tutorials/2010/dataobjects-as-pages-part-1-keeping-it-simple
Now in the tutorial (which I've used already in my projects) there's only one image per staff member, I want to associate 2 images per staff member (I've used products instead of staff members), I guess I need to use $has_many relation but when I try it doesn't work properly, it uploads the images but it doesn't associate them with the staff member (product in my case). Here's how I did it:
static $has_one = array (
'ProductPage' => 'ProductPage'
static $has_many = array (
'Photo1' => 'Image',
'Photo2' => 'Image'
Anyone knows how to do this?
just use has_one instead of has_many. you'd use has_many in case you wanted to have 'a bunch of images' but you need 'exactly 2'.