I'm using the rails 3 geokit gem that allows you to find users within a distance of a point, e.g.
User.within(10, origin: [51.123123, 0.1323123])
['10' is the distance in mi/km; 51 & 0 are latitude and longitude]
I'm now trying to get all posts by users who are within a certain distance of a point. something like:
Post.where(User.within(10, origin: [51.123123, 0.1323123]))
(my Post model belongs_to my User model, my User model has_many posts)
Reading around it seems like the solution lies in .where, or using :through & :source, or .joins, but I haven't been able to nail it down.
I'd be very grateful for any help!
Try this solution:
class Post
acts_as_mappable through: :user
Post.joins(:user).within(10, origin: [51.123123, 0.1323123])