I wrote a simple test program which will access the default HR model on an Oracle Express in direct mode using DevArt dotConnect for Oracle v.
using (var ctx = new HREntities())
var locNew = new LOCATION();
locNew.CITY = "Magdeburg";
// will output 0; in database ID is generated
As you can see I'm doing an insert into the LOCATION
table. Here I added a trigger:
create or replace
before insert on "HR"."LOCATIONS"
for each row
if inserting then
select LOCATIONS_SEQ.nextval into :NEW."LOCATION_ID" from dual;
end if;
Last step was setting StoreGeneratedPattern
in my model to Identity
(yes, I checked if it is written to the XML).
If I run the test-app, the record is created and it has got a valid new LocationID
. But in EF the new ID will not arrive.
Why isn't it recognizing the generated ID? If yes, what does that mean: DevArt Blog
EDIT: I tested it in different scenarios now:
The result is the same. No DSID
is returned on SaveChanged. As another result, if I write
ctx.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, log);
an InvalidOperationException will raise saying, that there is now entity with key '0' which is correct but not helpful :-(.
If you look in the .edmx file you see there is a conceptual schema and a storage schema defined. If you change the StoreGeneratedPattern in the designer, it will only change it in the conceptual schema, but not in the storage schema, which is really necessary.
The StoreGeneratedPattern is in the designer for model-first development, if you generate the database from the model, else it doesn't have effect. So you have to manually insert the attribute in the storage schema.