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Creating a video out of a set of images

I've been looking much time for creating a video(.avi file) from images using a C# code,

Is there any library that maintain the video creating? I've been looking through AviFileWriter library, but that library seems to be too fixed since I need to add some transitions and other elements.

So how can I fulfill my needs using C#? I wouldn't care if the coding is complex abit.


  • here a c# project with main AVI function

    here use of VideoStream to create a video making frames from bmp file

     //load the first image
    Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(txtFileNames.Lines[0]);
    //create a new AVI file
    AviManager aviManager = 
        new AviManager(@"..\..\testdata\new.avi", false);
    //add a new video stream and one frame to the new file
    VideoStream aviStream = 
        aviManager.AddVideoStream(true, 2, bitmap);
    Bitmap bitmap;
    int count = 0;
    for(int n=1; n<txtFileNames.Lines.Length; n++){
        if(txtFileNames.Lines[n].Trim().Length > 0){
            bitmap = 