I have a NumericUpDown variable in my class. The minimum and maximum values are set as follows:
myNumericUpDown.Maximum = 9999;
myNumericUpDown.Minimum = 0;
This prevents the spin box from exceeding 9999 or going below 0.
The problem I am having is when the user types inside the text box they can type any arbitrary number greater than Maximum or less than Minimum.
Is there a property in the NumericUpDown class that controls the minimum and maximum values for the text box? Or do I have to write a callback procedure that checks for this condition?
If you set the property in the properties pane in the forms design view it will handle this for you. If the user were to enter 12000 and you had a maximum of 9999, as soon as the control loses focus the control drops to its maximum value of 9999. It goes the same with a negative value. It would automatically go to 0 once the control loses focus.
If you didn't want a user to be able to enter more than 4 digits, then you could just watch the KeyDown Event.
/// <summary>
/// Checks for only up to 4 digits and no negatives
/// in a Numeric Up/Down box
/// </summary>
private void numericUpDown1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (!(e.KeyData == Keys.Back || e.KeyData == Keys.Delete))
if (numericUpDown1.Text.Length >= 4 || e.KeyValue == 109)
e.SuppressKeyPress = true;
e.Handled = true;