Search code examples

Ordering FREETEXTTABLE result UNIONed with standard SELECT by Rank

I had a working FREETEXTTABLE query that searched for a @searchString. I now need to UNION that with another simple query that tries to parse the @searchString into an INT, and if it succeeds, filtering the table by looking for the row with PK equal to the parse @searchString.

Previously, I could easily JOIN the FREETEXTTABLE result to the table it was searching, order by the Rank, but only SELECT the columns of the original table that was searched.

Now that I am combining the unique results between the text search query and the query looking for the row with the search string as the key, I no longer have access to the Rank from the text search query.

How can I maintain the ordering by rank of the full text search, but place the query result looking for the row with the primary key (if it has a result) BEFORE the full text search results?


  • Have you tried just adding a constant to your union that puts your exact match of the PK on the top of the list? I don't remember off the top of my head what the freetext RANK column returns (0 thru 1000 i think), but something like this would work assuming that you just make your constant higher than the top of the rank.

    DECLARE @id int
    IF ISNUMERIC(@myStringId) = 1
        SET @id = CAST(@myStringId AS int)
        SET @id = 0
    WITH MyFreetextCte as (SELECT   [Rank], 
                           FROM     FREETEXTTABLE(...)
                           SELECT   1001, 
                                    (SELECT MyBaseTable.PK FROM MyBaseTable WHERE PK = @id))
    SELECT    *
    FROM      MyFreetextCte JOIN MyBaseTable ON MyFreetextCte.[Key] = MyBaseTable.PK
    ORDER BY  MyFreetextCte.Rank DESC