I built a recent version of CouchDB with the excellent iriscouch/build-couchdb repo, and now I want to create an upstart job on my Ubuntu 12.04 server.
However, the upstart job fails with:
kernel: [265024.963594] init: couchdb_a main process (5341) terminated with status 1
The upstart conf file (/etc/init/couchdb_a.conf):
description "CouchDB v1.2.0"
console output
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on runlevel [!2345]
pre-start script
logger -t "$0" "pre-start"
export PATH="/path/to/build-couchdb/build/bin:$PATH"
logger -t "$0" "DEBUG (pre-start): `set`"
end script
exec /path/to/build-couchdb/build/bin/couchdb
From what I can tell, the custom couchdb simply needs its PATH adjusted to the location of the couchdb binary (that's what iriscouch's env.sh does).
But whether I update the PATH or not, the custom couchdb will not launch in this upstart job (it works perfectly from a shell).
This upstart configuration successfully handles a custom install of CouchDB:
# couchdb v1.2.0
# Custom installation of CouchDB
description "CouchDB v1.2.0, local"
console output
# start after all filesystems & network interfae are available
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on runlevel [!2345]
# set working directory
env COUCHDB_WD="/path/to/build-couchdb/build/bin"
# required for erlang
env HOME="/home/user"
export HOME
# modify PATH to hit local couchdb's working directory first
#export PATH # not necessary inside script block
#logger -t $0 "HOME='$HOME'"
#logger -t $0 "PATH='$PATH'"
# output couchdb logs to custom location
#exec >>/home/user/couchdb_local.log 2>&1
exec couchdb
end script
This helped, but only partially:
# change working directory: not effective with env variable
chdir /path/to/build-couchdb/build/bin
works if just the executable needs to be run from a directory, but doesn't modify PATH
, and does not accept env variables.
The commented lines in the script
block helped me ensure that HOME
and PATH
were properly updated. The exec >>
line outputs all couchdb logging to a custom file, which helped me find the root cause: Erlang.
Specifically, the erlexec: HOME must be set error. HOME
can be apparently any value (not sure if it must exist, but I set it to my user account's home directory).