I have an object Foo
which contains a list of of objects Bar
which I get from a MongoDb using play-salat plugin. The models look like this.
case class Foo (
@Key("_id") id: ObjectId = new ObjectId,
bars: Option[List[Bar]] = None
case class Bar (
something: String
The view should show a list of foo objects. I pass an iterator like this
@(foos: Iterator[Foo])
the part of the template which shows the data looks like this:
@foos.map { foo =>
<div class="foo">@foo.id</div>
@if(foo.bars != None) {
@for( bar <- bars ) {
doing this, I get a ClassCastException:
[ClassCastException: com.mongodb.BasicDBList cannot be cast to scala.collection.immutable.List]
I tried other variations like this
@for( i <- 0 to foo.bars.size - 1 ) {
resulting in ClassCastException as well:
[ClassCastException: com.mongodb.BasicDBList cannot be cast to scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized]
The question is, how can I iterate through a list of mongodb objects? I guess/hope some kind of transfer objects are not necessary.
Note from the salat wiki that it does not support Options containing collections.
Try instead:
case class Foo (
@Key("_id") id: ObjectId = new ObjectId,
bars: List[Bar] = List()