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How to correctly implement object inheritance in Scheme

As exercise, I'm trying to implement a small object oriented program, with 2 classes:

point1d: 1 attribute (x), getter and setter
point2d: inherits from point1d, add a new attribute (y) and its getter and setter

I have implemented each class as a closure. This is the code for the first one:

(define (point1d xx)
  (let ((x xx))
    (define (get-x)
    (define (set-x xx)
      (set! x xx))
    (lambda (f . args)
       (case f
         ((get-x) get-x)
         ((set-x) set-x))

and for the second:

(define (point2d xx yy)
  (let ((p1d (point1d xx))
        (y yy))
    (define (get-y)
    (define (set-y yy)
      (set! y yy))
    (lambda (f . args)
      (case f
        ((get-y) (get-y))
        ((set-y) (apply set-y args))
        (else (p1d f args))))))

I have some problem with the second definition; in the last line i try invoke parents method, but since args is a list it doesn't work.

What can I do?


  • In the point2d lambda, you're trying to call point1d's functions with

    (p1d f (list arg1 arg2 ... argN))

    while point1d expects the arguments to be:

    (p1d f arg1 arg2 ... argN)

    To solve this, cons f onto args, then apply that to p1d, like I have done in this fixed definition of p1d

    (define (point2d xx yy)
      (let ((p1d (point1d xx))
            (y yy))
        (define (get-y)
        (define (set-y yy)
          (set! y yy))
        (lambda (f . args)
          (case f
            ((get-y) (get-y))
            ((set-y) (apply set-y args))
            (else (apply p1d (cons f args)))))))