I am trying to figure out how to add a custom function to my OpenCPU store.
I understand that we have to create an object in R/tmp. After creating a store in /home/, Then we have to move that object from R/tmp to /home/store/ using:
PUT /home/[store name]/[object name]
It's easy to do with functions/packages already in R/pub, but when I try to do it with my own custom function, I get stuck.
I can create an R/tmp/[hashkey] object with my own custom function at this webpage, in the third form:
Which returns:
"object" : "x0188b9b9ce",
"graphs" : [],
"files" : {}
So I move this to my store via
PUT /home/[store name]/new.function
with parameter: object = 'x0188b9b9ce'
and then I see:
"/R/user/[user name]/[store name]/new.function"
But when I:
POST /R/user/[user name]/[store name]/new.function/save
I get this response:
HTTP 400 Bad Request
Object: new.function not found in /R/user/[user name]/[store name]/
So what am I doing wrong?
And yes, I have replaced [user name] and [store name] with actual strings, I just wanted to keep it as straightforward as possible and clearly connected to the documentation.
This was a server side problem. Posting and using a custom function via the above will work. Thanks to Jeroen for making the needed changes to the host server firewall.