I have a trac report that displays how many tickets are at each stage of the workflow. Is it possible to make reports dynamic, so if a row is clicked a report for those tickets are shown.
SELECT stage,
count(status) as 'Number of Matches',
id as _id,
'[..1] Tickets Here' as link
FROM ticket
Failing that, it would be useful to have a link to another report that shows all the tickets at that stage but links are seen as text in the report.
[..1] Tickets Here
You can also make dynamic reports using wiki pages. Personally, I find that to be the easier approach most of the time.
For your purposes, you could have something like this:
== Open Tickets, By State ==
[report:4 New] ([[TicketQuery(status=new,format=count)]])\\
[report:5 Accepted] ([[TicketQuery(status=accepted,format=count)]])\\
[report:6 Code Review] ([[TicketQuery(status=codereview,format=count)]])\\
[report:7 Testing] ([[TicketQuery(status=testing,format=count)]])
This will result in output that looks like:
New (40)
Accepted (12)
Code Review (8)
Testing (17)
where the name of the state is a link to a detailed report listing all of the tickets in that state. You will need to create a report for each state and fill in the correct report numbers for the report:#
links in the example.