Just like this question with no answer, I am trying to hook up to Linked in through PHP/OAuth. I have gotten the token. Gotten everything working. But for some reason Linkedin will not return to my callback URL and asking for a PIN? help?
From the documentation this should only happen if there is no Callback url?
$token = $linkedInOAuth->getRequestToken();
array(5) {
string(36) "[valad_token]"
string(36) "[valad_secret]"
string(4) "true"
string(44) "https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authorize"
string(3) "599"
$linkedInOAuth->getAuthorizeURL($token, site_url('practice/linkedin_auth_callback'));
string(169) "https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=[valad_token]&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.core.me%2Fpractice%2Flinkedin_auth_callback"
The link is then put in a <a href="<?= $auth_url ?>">Click here to Auth Linked in</a>
but when the user goes and logs in - it goes to the PIN page?
Looks like LinkedIn API uses Oauth 1.0a, you need to pass the callback url when you get the initial request token.
See here
Or take a read through the Oauth 1.0a spec
They will store it, then when the user authorises the request token, it will callback to the url stored against that request token.