I have a model with a custom validation function which verifies that the date is not in the past. Currently, the validation is hard-coded to check a single field, selected_date, in the model. How do I go about refactoring the validation so that I can either pass a parameter to the custom validation so I can test 2 fields?
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :selected_date, :alternate_date
validates_presence_of :selected_date
validate :validate_date
def validate_date
if selected_date < Date.today
errors.add(:selected_date, 'Date has passed')
create file lib/future_validator.rb:
class FutureValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(object, attribute, value)
if value < Date.today
object.errors[attribute] << "has passed"
In your models:
validates :selected_date, presence: true, future: true
validates :other_date, presence: true, future: true
See this RailsCast: Validations in Rails 3
NOTE: Make sure lib files are auto loaded in config/application.rb and restart the server after adding that file.