I need to implement a _to_pdf method on my ProjectBill model which generates a PDF of my bill at this place:
My application is using HTMLDoc for generating PDF. I am using Rails 2.3.11. With the HTMLDoc gem, I need to pass a render_to_string of my partial view _bill.pdf.haml, wich is not accessible in the model (only in the controllers), to HTMLDoc.
I already have an export_to_pdf action in my controller, triggered by the user when he wants an export (this one works). The model method will be called by a scheduled task, an emailer sending the bills when the scheduled_date is equal to Date.today.
I've already tried tons of solutions:
But still not working.
Can somebody help me with this issue? Im stuck and can't find any solution...
Ahh I finally did it !
Thanks for your answer Sean but I was not looking for a better Gem, I was looking for a solution to my issue.
For some reason I couldn't use the render_to_string method in my Model... So I created my export_to_pdf method on my model:
def export_to_pdf
bill = self
project = self.project
path = "facture_#{self.project.id}_#{self.bill_number}_#{Date.today.strftime('%Y_%m_%d')}.pdf"
if File.exists?(path)
return path
return nil
As you can see I call my Controller in my Model. Here is my _to_pdf method:
def _to_pdf(bill_id)
@bill = Plus::ProjectBill.find_by_id(bill_id)
@project = @bill.project
path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/xls/facture_#{@project.id}_#{@bill.bill_number}_#{Date.today.strftime('%Y_%m_%d')}.pdf"
av = ActionView::Base.new(Rails::Configuration.new.view_path)
av.class_eval do
include ApplicationHelper
include ActionController::UrlWriter
default_url_options[:host] = 'mysite.com'
av.extend ApplicationController.master_helper_module
html = av.render(:partial => "/plus/billing_items/bill_for_pdf.haml", :locals => {:bill => @bill})
data = to_pdf(html, false, {:header => '', :headfootsize => 0, :outfile => path})
My to_pdf function is just doing the PDF::HTMLDoc.new and the set_option of links, logoimage , etc. and return pdf.generate
I hope this can help someone someday somewhere !