I'd like to read a value from an INI file in a WiX installer. I've just tried to use IniFileSearch, but this looks for an INI file or a path specified in an INI file (the documentation isn't clear), it doesn't read a value from an INI file.
Do I need a customaction to do this? And if so, what would people suggest? Seems very strange if WiX doesn't have this, though!
Code I'm using:
<Property Id="SP">
<IniFileSearch Id="SearchSPVersion" Name="sp.ini" Section="ServicePack"
Key="Version" Type="raw">
<DirectorySearch Id="SPIniFilePath" Path="[CFGPATH]">
<FileSearch Id="SPIniFile" Name="sp.ini"/>
INI file:
I've tried with and without the directory and file search (using full path in 'name'), and I've tried type = "raw", "file" and "directory".
Try this in a DTF custom action: INI File Reader in C#