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Is there ANY android emulator that supports microphone input?

So far I haven't been able to find any solution that would allow me to test voice input via microphone on the android emulator.

I have been able to get away during development by limiting my testing to cheap Android phones (sorry, I don't have much money) but now some users complain that my app doesn't work on Android 3 and 4.

So, I am desperately looking for an Android emulator (that can run on Windows 7) to help me test my microphone-based app on various Android versions (did I say fragmentation?)

Is there any android emulator that supports microphone input?

Other suggestions that can utilize the standard Android "emulator"?


  • As you noted, the live-android (with this HowTo) is outdated, so as far as I can tell, you have only one (free) option that goes up to Android 4: Android x-86 on a USB thumb drive plugged into another netbook or laptop you have.

    The only problem I see is that a standard Android USB cable for connecting your debugger will not work because netbooks or laptops don't have a micro USB connector like real Android devices have.