I have three models
class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one:driver ,:through=>:vehicle_driver
class Vehicle_Driver < ActiveRecord::Base
have only vehicle_id and driver_id
class Driver < ActiveRecord::Base
I want to do is
register the vehicles independently
register the Drivers independently
then assign driver to vehicle such that only one driver can be assigned to one vehicle and vice versa
and further
Is this possible from above relationship ...?????
Any help will be appreciated..
Thanks In Advance
Why the intermediate class, it contradicts your requirements, so remove it.
So just let both models Vehicle and Driver use has_one of the other. It generates a duplicate relationship that could lead to problems, if they are not pointing to each other. So the best is to have only one 'has_one'-relationship, and do @vehicle.find_by_driver to test if a driver already has a vehicle assigned to it.
When you save a relationship, also update the other relation: 3a @vehicle.driver = @driver 3b @vehicle.driver.vehicle = @vehicle # to force make them point to each other.
In the Vehicle model, add a method or scope to return a list of vehicles where driver is nil. 4a Vehicle.all.where(:driver.nil?) # from my head, just to give an idea
If you want to remove a relationship for a vehicle, do 5a @vehicle.driver.vehicle = nil 5b @vehicle.driver = nil
Hope this helps you in the right direction.