I am reading Learning openCV
and I came across description of cvHoughLines2
in this book. But I can't understand one thing.
I read about Hough transform and I think I understand it, so the parameters rho
and theta
are bit puzzling to me. When we have equation rho=xcos(theta)+ycos(theta)
when we decide on some set of discrete values of theta
, values of rho
should be automatically known.
In this book it is said that opencv
creates rho
accumlator array.
Does opencv just discretize angle as multiplies of 360/theta
? But how does the rho
parameter fits? How are the values of rho
Your question isn't clear, it seems you are confused. Have a look at this page. Given a set of points (the x's and y's) belonging to a line you can describe the same line by just two parameters r and theta. These are two independent parameters we want to find that best describe the line that we have the points on.