I am trying to create complex data structures with composable logic. That is, the data structure has a generic format (essentially, a record with some fields whose type can change) and some generic functions. Specific structures have specific implementation of the generic functions.
There are two approaches I tried. One is to use the type system (with type classes, type families, functional dependencies etc.). The other is creating my own "vtable" and using GADTs. Both methods fail in a similar way - there seems to be something basic I'm missing here. Or, perhaps, there a better more Haskell-ish way to do this?
Here is the failing "typed" code:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Typed where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Lens.Lazy
import Data.Lens.Template
-- Generic Block.
data Block state ports = Block { _blockState :: state, _blockPorts :: ports }
-- For the logic we want to use, we need some state and ports.
data LogicState = LogicState { _field :: Bool }
data LogicPorts incoming outgoing =
LogicPorts { _input :: incoming, _output :: outgoing }
makeLenses [ ''Block, ''LogicState, ''LogicPorts ]
-- We need to describe how to reach the needed state and ports,
-- and provide a piece of the logic.
class LogicBlock block incoming outgoing | block -> incoming, block -> outgoing where
logicState :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens state LogicState
logicPorts :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
convert :: block ~ Block state ports => incoming -> State block outgoing
runLogic :: State block outgoing
runLogic = do
state <- access $ blockState
let myField = state ^. logicState ^. field
if myField
then do
ports <- access blockPorts
let inputMessage = ports ^. logicPorts ^. input
convert inputMessage
error "Sorry"
-- My block uses the generic logic, and also maintains additional state
-- and ports.
data MyState = MyState { _myLogicState :: LogicState, _myMoreState :: Bool }
data MyPorts = MyPorts { _myLogicPorts :: LogicPorts Int Bool, _myMorePorts :: Int }
makeLenses [ ''MyState, ''MyPorts ]
type MyBlock = Block MyState MyPorts
instance LogicBlock MyBlock Int Bool where
logicState = myLogicState
logicPorts = myLogicPorts
convert x = return $ x > 0
-- All this work to write:
testMyBlock :: State MyBlock Bool
testMyBlock = runLogic
It results in the following error:
Could not deduce (block ~ Block state1 ports1)
from the context (LogicBlock block incoming outgoing)
bound by the class declaration for `LogicBlock'
at Typed.hs:(27,1)-(41,19)
`block' is a rigid type variable bound by
the class declaration for `LogicBlock' at Typed.hs:26:18
Expected type: StateT block Data.Functor.Identity.Identity outgoing
Actual type: State (Block state1 ports1) outgoing
In the return type of a call of `convert'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: convert inputMessage
And here is the failing "vtable" code:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module VTable where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Lens.Lazy
import Data.Lens.Template
-- Generic Block.
data Block state ports = Block { _blockState :: state, _blockPorts :: ports }
-- For the logic we want to use, we need some state and ports.
data LogicState = LogicState { _field :: Bool }
data LogicPorts incoming outgoing =
LogicPorts { _input :: incoming, _output :: outgoing }
makeLenses [ ''Block, ''LogicState, ''LogicPorts ]
-- We need to describe how to reach the needed state and ports,
-- and provide a piece of the logic.
data BlockLogic block incoming outgoing where
BlockLogic :: { logicState :: Lens state LogicState
, logicPorts :: Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
, convert :: incoming -> State block outgoing
-> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing
-- | The generic piece of logic.
runLogic :: forall block state ports incoming outgoing
. block ~ Block state ports
=> BlockLogic block incoming outgoing
-> State block outgoing
runLogic BlockLogic { .. } = do
state <- access $ blockState
let myField = state ^. logicState ^. field
if myField
then do
ports <- access blockPorts
let inputMessage = ports ^. logicPorts ^. input
convert inputMessage
error "Sorry"
-- My block uses the generic logic, and also maintains additional state and ports.
data MyState = MyState { _myLogicState :: LogicState, _myMoreState :: Bool }
data MyPorts = MyPorts { _myLogicPorts :: LogicPorts Int Bool, _myMorePorts :: Int }
makeLenses [ ''MyState, ''MyPorts ]
type MyBlock = Block MyState MyPorts
-- All this work to write:
testMyBlock :: State MyBlock Bool
testMyBlock = runLogic $ BlockLogic
{ logicState = myLogicState
, logicPorts = myLogicPorts
, convert = \x -> return $ x > 0
It results in the following error:
Could not deduce (block1 ~ Block state1 ports1)
from the context (block ~ Block state ports)
bound by the type signature for
runLogic :: block ~ Block state ports =>
BlockLogic block incoming outgoing -> State block outgoing
at VTable.hs:(37,1)-(46,17)
or from (block ~ Block state1 ports1)
bound by a pattern with constructor
BlockLogic :: forall incoming outgoing state ports block.
Lens state LogicState
-> Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
-> (incoming -> State block outgoing)
-> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing,
in an equation for `runLogic'
at VTable.hs:37:10-26
`block1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
BlockLogic :: forall incoming outgoing state ports block.
Lens state LogicState
-> Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
-> (incoming -> State block outgoing)
-> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing,
in an equation for `runLogic'
at VTable.hs:37:10
Expected type: block1
Actual type: block
Expected type: StateT
block1 Data.Functor.Identity.Identity outgoing
Actual type: State block outgoing
In the return type of a call of `convert'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: convert inputMessage
I don't get why GHC is going for "block1" when the whole thing is explicitly under ScopedTypeVariables and "forall block".
Edit #1: Added functional dependencies, thanks to Chris Kuklewicz for pointing this out. The problem remains though.
Edit #2: As Chris pointed out, in the VTable solution, getting rid of all the "block ~ Block state ports" and instead writing "Block state ports" everywhere solves the problem.
Edit #3: Ok, so the problem seems to be that for each and every separate function, GHC requires sufficient type information in the parameters to deduce all the types, even for types that aren't used at all. So in the case of (for example) logicState above, the parameters only give us the state, which isn't enough to know what the ports and incoming and outgoing types are. Never mind it doesn't really matter to the logicState function; GHC wants to know, and can't, so compilation fails. If this is indeed the core reason, it would have been better if GHC complained directly when compiling the logicState decleration - it seems it has enough information to detect a problem there; if I had seen a problem saying "ports type is not used/determined" at that location, it would have been much clearer.
Edit #4: It still isn't clear to me why (block ~ Block state ports) doesn't work; I guess I'm using it for an unintended purpose? It seems like it should have worked. I agree with Chris that using CPP to work around it is an abomination; but writing "B t r p e" (in my real code that has more paraneters) isn't a good solution either.
I have a one line fix for your VTable code:
, convert :: incoming -> State block outgoing
, convert :: incoming -> State (Block state ports) outgoing
Then you should simplify the type of runLogic
runLogic :: BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing
-> State (Block state ports) outgoing
PS: More detail to answer comments below.
Eliminating "block ~" was not part of the fix. Usually "~" is only needed in instance a~b => ... where
Previously if I give a function a xxx :: BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing
then it can unpack convert xxx :: State block outgoing
. But the new block
is not at all related to (Block state ports)
, it is a new unknowable type. The compiler append a digit to the end of the name to make block1
which then appears in the error messages.
The original code (both versions) have problems with what types the compiler can infer from a given context.
As for verbosity, try type
. Do not use CPP and DEFINE.
type B s p = BlockLogic (Block s p)
runLogic :: B s p i o -> State (Block s p) o
PPS: Further explanation of problems with class version. If I substitute (Block s p) for block and add the functional dependencies you mentioned:
class LogicBlock state ports incoming outgoing | state ports -> incoming outgoing where
logicState :: Lens state LogicState
logicPorts :: Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
convert :: incoming -> State (Block state ports) outgoing
Using logicState nails down state
but leaves ports
unknown, making ports#
Using logicPorts nails down ports
but leaves state
unknown, making ports#
Compiling runLogic
runs into lots of type mismatch errors between ports, ports0, ports1 and state, state0, state1.
These operations do not seem to fit together into the same type class. You could break them out into separate type classes, or perhaps add ", state->ports, ports->state" functional dependencies to the class declaration.