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DevExpress vs infragistics Suites - looking to possibly switch

We are currently an Infragistics NetAdvantage Select customer and have been for a few years. Their controls are ok but not what I would call great but the time invested in learning them to date is the main reason we stick with them. We use both ASP.NET and Winnform controls.

As we are due to renew, we are considering DevExpress as an option as they seem to offer much of the same functionality.

For anyone that has made this move fro mInfragistics to DevExpress, how have you found it? A step forward or back? Pros and Cons to doing so?


  • My company is using DevExpress and we are very satisfied with their suite. We have never used the Infragistics suite, so I can't talk about the process to switch from Infragistics to DevExpress.

    Generally, I find the DevExpress controls very easy to use and implement in our applications. Some controls have a small learning curve like the DevExpress TreeList but it is not a huge issue.

    One thing I dont like with some of their controls is the property "Properties". This property is used to set additional options to the control.

    Per example to set the max length of a textedit (textbox of devexpress) :

    textEdit.Properties.MaxLength instead of textEdit.MaxLength

    So, their controls are great and have a great look but I think the main quality of DevExpress is their support. You can ask a question on the support page and you will receive a answer within one day, maybe two days if the question is complex.

    So, if you are not statisfied with Infragistics, try DevExpress. You can download a trial version so you have nothing to lose.