I have an app where:
User has_many Openings
Opening belongs to User & has_and_belongs_to_many Categories
Category has_and_belongs_to_many Openings
I'm trying to create a rating system where the user rates each opening per category, and am struggling to see what relations I need where. Could anyone help point me in the right direction please?
Basically I want the rating to belong to a opening_category relation.
Instead of using has_and_belongs_to_many association, you want the has_many through relation
Thus, you create a new model
class OpeningCategory
belongs_to :opening
belongs_to :category
Then you can use Opening has_many :categories, :through => :opening_categories, and Category has_many :openings, :through => :opening_categories.
Your rating can be done with the OpeningCategory, whether that is an average rating column, or a separate Rating model which :belongs_to :opening_categories.