I have a QListView from which I obtain a QAbstractItemModel with list->model();
After this, I want to connect the dataChanged signal to a custom QObject of mine:
if( QObject::connect(model, SIGNAL(dataChanged (const QModelIndex , const QModelIndex ) ),
customObject_,SLOT(onText(const QModelIndex , const QModelIndex )) ) )
cout << "SIGNAL SLOT connection successful" << endl;
cout << "SIGNAL SLOT connection ERROR" << endl;
here is my custom object:
class CustomObject : public QObject
CustomObject (QObject *parent);
~CustomObject ();
public slots:
void onText(const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight );
Am I doing anything wrong? The QObject call returns true, I have a cout in the onText function, but nothing is ever printed when the QListView is Changed.
That probably means that the signal is never emitted. Try calling
model->setData( model->index( 0, 0 ), Qt::EditRole, 3.14 );
If that one doesn't invoke your slot, then the implementation of setData()
is probably buggy and doesn't emit dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)
, or else customObject_
has since been deleted.
If neither is the case, you need to give us more information.