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Filling Sql table with a script

I have a SQL database and I want to fill tables with a script. The following source code shows what I have done so far:

   mysql -h dbs1 -D my_devel -u USER --password=XYZ
   insert into my_table ( col_id, type, file, result, signature) values (***,'###','+++','$$$','...');

According that I pass the parameters '*','#','+','$' and '.' via a method defined in python.

But somehow this is not working for me. Can someone tell me why, or suggest an alternative?


  • This seems to work fine for me:

    # count-rows.csh
    mysql -h -D tpcw -u root <<EOF
    select count(*) from $1;

    You need to send the commands to execute to the standard input of the mysql utility. There are several ways to do that, but using a here document is probably the easiest method.

    That said, if your data comes from a Python program, you should look at using a proper MySQL connector for Python. You should see a definite performance increase, but more importantly you will be able to handle any errors properly.