All over our project, we have this kind of enums. They works just fine, but we are not sure about them.
Specially with the getDocumentType(String) method.
Is there a way to avoid the iteration over all the Enums field ?
public enum DocumentType {
MEDIA35MM(Media.class.getSimpleName() + " 35mm");
private String label;
private DocumentType(String label) {
this.label = label;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public static DocumentType getDocumentType(String label){
for(DocumentType documentType : DocumentType.values()){
return documentType;
return UNKNOWN;
Edit : Check the newacct response. She's fine too.
You're going to have to do that iteration somewhere, due to the restrictions in writing enums. In an ideal world, you would populate a static Map from within DocumentType's constructor, but that's not allowed.
The best I can suggest is performing the iteration once in a static initializer, and storing the enums in a lookup table:
public enum DocumentType {
.... existing enum stuff here
private static final Map<String, DocumentType> typesByLabel = new HashMap<String, DocumentType>();
static {
for(DocumentType documentType : DocumentType.values()){
typesByLabel.put(documentType.label, documentType);
public static DocumentType getDocumentType(String label){
if (typesByLabel.containsKey(label)) {
return typesByLabel.get(label);
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
At least you won't be doing the iteration every time, although I doubt you'll see any meaningful performance improvement.