I want to create a config.php file to keep the various configuration values that usually being changed from project to project, and I want to define a class to keep the config values in this file like the following:
class Config {
const DB_SERVER = 'localhost',
DB_NAME = 'abc',
DB_USERNAME = 'admin',
DB_PASSWORD = '12345',
WEBSITE_NAME = 'My New Website',
IMAGE_DIR = 'img';
and so on, I want to define all values as constants inside the class, and I will call them like the following:
$connection = mysql_connect(Config::DB_SERVER, Config::DB_USERNAME, Config::DB_PASSWORD) or die("Database connection failed..");
I want to know: Is this way of setting the project configuration is right? Does this way have any cons? And if it was wrong, then what the best way to do this?
I've found these 2 articles that are talking about the same topic and I found that they are very useful so I wanted to share them here:
1- Using PHP classes to store configuration data
2- Using a PHP Class to Store Configuration
I hope they help as they did for me.