I have a couple of scopes on different (and somewhat linked) models
class Alarm
has_one :site #use mac_address field in Alarm and Site as key / foreign key
scope :any_network, lambda{ joins(:network) } #more complex stuff can be done :-)
class Network
has many :permissions
has_many :sites
scope :has_permission, lambda{|level, user| #etc - returns a list of networks that a
# user has the `level` permission for }
class Permission
has_one :network, :user
#etc -uses a flags field to hold permision levels
So I can do
which generates
SELECT `alarm`.* FROM `alarm` INNER JOIN `site` ON
`site`.`mac_address` = `alarm`.`mac_address` INNER JOIN `network` ON
`network`.`id` = `site`.`network_id`
and I can do
which generates
SELECT `network`.* FROM `network` INNER JOIN `permission` ON
`permission`.`network_id` = `network`.`id`
WHERE (permission.user_id = 1 and permission.flags && 8)
and this is all as it should be.
What I can't work out is how to join these two scopes to generate the set of all alarms originating from any network which the user has the appropriate permission for. Something along the lines of
SELECT `alarm`.* FROM `alarm` INNER JOIN `site`
ON `site`.`mac_address` = `alarm`.`mac_address`
INNER JOIN `network` ON `network`.`id` = `site`.`network_id`
INNER JOIN `permission` ON `permission`.`network_id` = `network`.`id`
WHERE (permission.user_id = 1 and permission.flags && 8)
I've tried chaining the scopes (can't get it to work) and I have tried merging the scopes (clearly the wrong thing to do!)
Any ideas - I've been tearing my hair out on this one for a couple of days.
At a glance, I imagine something like this, but its hard to tell because you didn't give us the Site
Alarm.includes(:site => {:network => :permissions}).where(['permissions.flags' && ?', 8], 'permissions.user_id' => 1)
This is obviously untested and hard to say exactly, but here's the gist of what's going on:
FYI, I don't recall if this kind of multiple condition where
s work like I used above, but maybe it will get your wheels turning!