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How can I remove duplicated items from an objectlistview (wxpython)?

I am newy in wxpython (and python too :)) and I am trying to do a custom program for me and to learn, but there is something I cannt do. I have looking for examples of Objectlistview but there aren't so much. I copy/paste/edit code from here (last example) and I want to do something like this to avoid duplicated items:

self.olv = ObjectListView(self, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)

def RemoveDuplicated(self, X):
    for all in X:
        Counter = 0
        for B in X:
            if X.path(A) == X.path(B):
                Counter += 1
            if (X.path(A) == X.path(B) and Counter >=2):
                 Counter += 1

Any idea or tutorial to do it? Thank you in advance.

Done now :D, ty Mike again.

     def __init__(self, window):
    self.window = window
    self.all_filenames = []

def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
    When files are dropped, update the display
    self.entriesList = list()   # Actual dropped file entries; duplicates are avoided.
    self.haveEntries = False    # Tracks actual dropped file entries, but not help entries.

    self.RemoveDuplicated(self.all_filenames, filenames)
    self.all_filenames += filenames

    print len(all_filenames) , len(filenames)

def RemoveDuplicated(self, X, Y):
    for A in X:
        for B in Y:
            if A == B:


  • Since what you add to an ObjectListView is basically a list of objects or dicts, you could just run your de-dupe process on that list before setting the widget to those values. You could use Python's set function plus the solution here to de-dupe the objects.

    There are a couple of places to look for ObjectListView information: