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Script works without jQuery UI, but not with the jQuery UI selectmenu

I, as a newbie to JS, created a very simple script to show and hide the "disabled" function in an select menu.

Everything works fine, untill i load jQuery UI for the selectmenu. Then it doesn't work anymore.

I tried all day to solve it, but can't. Perhaps anyone could help me out.

// Metadata
    var sel = $(this); 
    var val = sel.val();

    if(val == "2008")
        $('#c2').find("option:eq(1)").attr("disabled", "disabled");



What should be happening is that when anyone selects "2008" from #year, it should enable option 1 in #c2 and visa versa.

It seems possible here, but I am not able to bend the script down to my own piece of trial and error.

Updated code

// Metadata

    // listen to the select event of the custom menu, not the original dropdown
    select: function(){
        var val = $(this).val();

       if(val == "2008"){
            $("#c2").find("option:eq(2)").attr("disabled", "disabled");

        // must call this to reflect the change


  • Looking at the source code for the demo page you linked, it appears that it is necessary to update selectmenu by calling its refresh method.

    Example from the demo source:

    files2.find("option:eq(0)").attr("disabled", "disabled");
    files2.selectmenu("refresh"); // <-- this

    I think that this is what you are looking for: When I change the menu, one of the options enables/disables.

    Relevant Code

        // listen to the select event of the custom menu, not the original dropdown
        select: function(){
            var val = $(this).val();
            if(val == "2008"){
                $(this).find("option:eq(1)").attr("disabled", "disabled");
            // must call this to reflect the change