I have a custom control containing a ListView
control, which displays files in the manner of Windows Explorer. I'd like to add the same buttons Windows Explorer has for changing the ListView.View
(i.e. the buttons for "details", "list", "small icon", etc), but can't locate the icons (I've been searching through C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\VS2010ImageLibrary\1033\VS2010ImageLibrary.zip
). Does anyone know where I can find these? Thanks.
(I suspect there isn't a pre-made control with the Vista/Win7 style drop-down button with slider and buttons for each view, but if there is, that'd be great!)
I suspect that those icons are embedded in one of the windows assemblies (I don't know which one, but I would guess Shell32 or something). In order to get them, you'll need to extract them from the assembly.
There are many options for extracting them, you could use a tool such as this or use the ExtractIconEx API.
If you google it, you'll see lots of other options as well.
NOTE: I'm not sure about licensing for these icons, so depending on how/where you're using them, I'd recommend researching what is acceptable use of these icons.