I was tried like so:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Trace;
namespace SqlProfiller
public partial class Form1 : Form
TraceServer reader = new TraceServer();
SqlConnectionInfo connInfo = new SqlConnectionInfo();
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
connInfo.ServerName = @".\SQLR2";
connInfo.DatabaseName = "DB";
connInfo.UserName = "sa";
connInfo.Password = "123";
reader.InitializeAsReader(connInfo, @"Standard.tdf");
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("SPID : " + reader["SPID"]);
Console.WriteLine("Login : " + reader["SessionLoginName"]);
Console.WriteLine("Object: " + reader["ObjectName"]);
Console.WriteLine("Text : " + reader["TextData"]);
textBox1.Text += "Event : " + reader["EventClass"] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += "SPID : " + reader["SPID"] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += "Login : " + reader["SessionLoginName"] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += "Object: " + reader["ObjectName"] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += "Text : " + reader["TextData"] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += "----------------------------------------------------------";
textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine;
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Trace.SqlTraceException: Failed to initialize object as reader. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.
Failed to initialize object as reader.
What does this mean?
Thanks in advance
What does this mean?
System.IO.FileLoadException: Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.
It means that your process in running as a .NET 4 process and the assembly you are loading is .NET 2 compiled (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management
Either recompile your application to use .NET 2 or add a hint for .NET 4 in config to allow .NET 2 assemblies.