I need some help querying hierarchical data. Here is the single, simple, table, where parent_id
references id
and may be null for root entries.
create table edition (
id NUMBER(20),
parent_id NUMBER(20)
For each record in the table I need to find the deepest child having maximum id. If a record has no children, then its own id should be returned. I tried by myself but failed using START WITH A.id = B.id
where A and B are subqueries, looks like Oracle doesn't allow such joins.
Here is the sample data:
id parent_id
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 4
6 5
7 5
and a sample result
id result
1 7
2 2
3 3
4 7
5 7
6 6
7 7
I believe you want to try
create table tq84_edition (
id number primary key,
parent_id number references tq84_edition
insert into tq84_edition values ( 1, null);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 2, 1);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 3, 1);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 4, 1);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 5, 4);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 6, 5);
insert into tq84_edition values ( 7, 5);
with x (root, id, parent_id, lvl) as (
select id root,
1 lvl
from tq84_edition
select x.root root,
x.lvl + 1 lvl
from x,
where x.id = tq84_edition.parent_id
select root, max(id) keep (dense_rank last order by lvl, id)
from x
group by root;