I'm creating a sniffer for serial port in python, but I have a problem when i create a CSV file in windows. I split my program on some point to avoid the possibility of incompatibility between windows and linux. It's works perfectly on linux (test on 32 and 64 bytes).
def createNewFiles(self):
# Nons allons vérifier l'existance du dossier Sniffer_Serie_Result et le créer si besoin
# De même pour le fichier csv
if (os.name == "nt"): # pour windows
self.userPath = os.getenv('HOME') or os.getenv('USERPROFILE')
self.folderPath= os.path.abspath(self.userPath + "\\Sniffer_Serie_Result")
#exist_ok=True ==> cree le dossier si il n'existe pas
self.timestampWithSec= self.timestampWithoutMilli() # utilisé dans les noms de fichier
self.filePathRequest= os.path.abspath(self.folderPath + "\\Request_at_" + self.timestampWithSec + ".csv")
self.filePathResponse= os.path.abspath(self.folderPath + "\\Response_at_" + self.timestampWithSec + ".csv")
self.filePathOverall = os.path.abspath(self.folderPath + "\\Overall_result_at_" + self.timestampWithSec + ".csv")
with open(self.filePathRequest, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(["Kind of message","Timestamp","Message Hexa","Message ASCII"])
with open(self.filePathResponse, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(["Kind of message","Timestamp","Message Hexa","Message ASCII"])
The folder Sniffer_Serie_Result is create without error So this code return the following error at the first with:
IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\Documents and Settings\stagiaire\Sniffer_Serie_Result\Request_at_......(Actual date and hours).csv'
I try lot of string like raw string and nothing works.
NB: The windows i use for my test is XP, this need to work on 7 too
I hope you can help me. Tks for your help!
I can't give no more information before thursday (no internet at home for the moment)
You are trying to use :
characters in filename, while that character is reserved in Windows for drive names (e.g. c:/
You have to either:
to use another time separator (like -
in obtained time string with another character (using .replace()
), for example.