Can anyone share code (or point me to Android sample code) to help me add images to an album in the Media Store (Gallery).
In my app I download images from our server, and also take new images using the camera (via Intent).
I would like to organize those images in an app-specific album, similar to what the Facebook (and other apps) app does, keeping related images all neatly organized.
I looked into this a while ago, following the Media Store API docs, and it didn't work for need some help.
you can use:
MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(ContentResolver cr, Bitmap source, String title, String description);
and I'm sure that somewhere here in some of the sub-menus shows a command asking the MediaStore to scan a determined folder, I just can't find it now.
edit: found it:
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(Context context, String[] path, null, null);