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MX records of a remote domain without NS information

I am building a SMTP diagnostics tool by using c# 4.0 If I know the IP Address of Primary NS of a domain, I can get MX,A and CNAME records. So I can validate any email and run legal diagnostics commands. , if I can connect to mail server.

My problem is that I could not find a proper .NET solution to get Primary NS for a given domain.

I know there are some managed clients but I can not add them as reference to my solution or their source code is closed.

What is the differences of managed code and .NET for this issue , that managed code can query NS of a domain and .NET can not as stated here. ?

What is the proper way to implement such a kind of functionality ?



  • You can get the IP of your DNS server using IPInterfaceProperties.DnsAddresses. A code example can be found here:

    You can then query that server using the component found here:

    You can find the primary DNS server by querying for SOA records.

    List<IPAddress> dnsServers = new List<IPAddress>();
    NetworkInterface[] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters)
        IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties();
        IPAddressCollection adapterDnsServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses;
        if (adapterDnsServers.Count > 0)
    foreach (IPAddress dnsServer in (from d in dnsServers 
                                    where d.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork
                                   select d))
        Console.WriteLine("Using server {0}", dnsServer);
        // create a request
        Request request = new Request();
        // add the question
        request.AddQuestion(new Question("", DnsType.MX, DnsClass.IN));
        // send the query and collect the response
        Response response = Resolver.Lookup(request, dnsServer);
        // iterate through all the answers and display the output
        foreach (Answer answer in response.Answers)
            MXRecord record = (MXRecord)answer.Record;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}), preference {2}", record.DomainName, Dns.GetHostAddresses(record.DomainName)[0], record.Preference);