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Converting binary file to Base64 string

I need to convert uploaded binary files to base64 string format on the fly. I'm using ASP, Vbscript. Using Midori's component for base64 conversion. For small size files (<20K) the performance is okay. But when it exceeds 75 or 100K, its totally lost. Is there any efficient way to convert big binary files (2MB) to base64 string format?

Thanks in advance, Kenney


  • I have solved this issue by implementing a .net component for converting to base64 string. The hard part is the binary data sent to the .net COM from ASP is received as a string. Convert.ToBase64() accepts only byte[]. So I tried converting string to byte[].

    But the encoding available in .net (Unicode, ASCII, UTF) doesn't works fine. There are data loss, while these encodings are used. Finally I get it done by using StringReader object. Read char by char(16 bit) and converted them to (8 bit) byte[] array.

    And the performance is best.

    Regards, Siva.