Sorry for my english
I have a list like:
[['string type','short int type','long int type','string type','float'],
['Stackoverflow','32','0','any stringgg','55.0'],
I call:
['string type','short int type','long int type','string type','float']
is the first sub-list and
['Stackoverflow','32','0','any stringgg','55.0']
is the second sub-list, same for the three sub-list
How can I use struct.pack() data in the second & third sub-lists based on the type of the first sub-list?
You could do something like this (quickly coded, could use some work)
import struct
type_map = {
'string type': 's',
'short int type': 'h',
'long int type': 'q',
'float': 'f'
conversion = {
's': str,
'h': int,
'q': int,
'f': float
def do_pack(types, data):
if len(types) != len(data):
raise Excpetion("wrong lengths")
packing = '<'
data_iter = []
for i, struct_type in enumerate(types):
t = type_map[struct_type]
if t == 's':
packing += '%ds' % len(data[i])
packing += t
return struct.pack(packing, *data_iter), packing
packer = [['string type','short int type','long int type','string type','float'],['Stackoverflow','32','0','any stringgg','55.0'],['anystring','16','1654657987984','striiingg','2.5']]
types = packer[0]
for data_set in packer[1:]:
binary, packing = do_pack(types, data_set)
print struct.unpack(packing, binary)
('Stackoverflow', 32, 0, 'any stringgg', 55.0)
('anystring', 16, 1654657987984, 'striiingg', 2.5)