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Layout combinators in wxhaskell

I'm trying to fill text entries to fill the whole width, which works fine if the entries are put directly to the frame, but if they're put in to a panel, they revert to their default size. Also the 'boxed' layout combinator text disappears. What am I doing wrong?

import Graphics.UI.WX

main = start gui

gui = do
  f <- frame []
  p <- panel f []
  xcoord <- entry p []
  ycoord <- entry p []
  set p [layout := fill $ boxed "foo" $
      grid 5 5 [
          [floatRight $ label "x   coordinate", hfill $ widget xcoord]
        , [floatRight $ label "y coordinate", hfill $ widget ycoord]
  set f [layout := fill $ container p glue]


  • You're specifying the layout of p in the set p [layout := ... statement and then throwing it away with the container p glue usage.

    (container's second parameter is a layout for the container. glue is a layout, but not a sensible one for a panel.)

    You should either (simplest) replace container p glue with widget p like this:

    import Graphics.UI.WX
    main = start gui
    gui = do
      f <- frame []
      p <- panel f []
      xcoord <- entry p []
      ycoord <- entry p []
      set p [layout := boxed "foo" $
          grid 5 5 [
              [floatRight $ label "x   coordinate", hfill $ widget xcoord]
            , [floatRight $ label "y coordinate", hfill $ widget ycoord]
      set f [layout := fill $ widget p]

    or move all your layout code into the container expresssion at the end:

    import Graphics.UI.WX
    main = start gui
    gui = do
      f <- frame []
      p <- panel f []
      xcoord <- entry p []
      ycoord <- entry p []
      set f [layout := fill $ container p $ boxed "foo" $
          grid 5 5 [
              [floatRight $ label "x   coordinate", hfill $ widget xcoord]
            , [floatRight $ label "y coordinate", hfill $ widget ycoord]

    but I prefer the first one, because it feels cleaner to me and seems easier to add more stuff to your main frame f later.