Setting up an ODBC driver through ODBC Data Source Administrator for progress/openedge 10.2a on 64 bit windows 7, (but I'm actually using the 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator) I keep getting
Warning: [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Connection refused. Verify Host Name and Port Number.[DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver] Unexpected Network Error. ErrNum = 10038
I've checked my host and it's correct, but I have no idea on the port number, I've checked connectionstrings and it says 2055, a couple other forums online give 20931 as I guess a default port number to use, but both of those aren't working for me. I've read this question, but it doesn't really go into specifics, neither does any documentation other than "put in your port number."
So, how do I find out my port number, or is just a one size fits all?
Port numbers are stored in /etc/services for unix, and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services for windows.
Each line looks like:
servicename 12345/tcp
so all you need to do is find the servicename in question, get it's corresponding port #, and plug that into your ODBC driver spec.