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NHibernate - Order by Max() of Collection property in Detached Criteria

I am trying to order a query by an aggregation of a property of its collection (NHibernate 3.2.0).

Here is the sample:

.Add(Projections.Alias(Projections.Max("Date"), "maxDate")))

This doesn't work, it says there is no property "maxDate" in "Note"

What i want is to order Note by the maximum date of its collection of SubNote.



 var subQuery = DetachedCriteria
        Projections.Alias(Projections.Max("Date"), "maxDate"))
        .Add(Restrictions.EqProperty("Note.Id", "n.Id"));

var results = CurrentSession.CreateCriteria<Note>("n")



  • Try this:

    var subQuery = DetachedCriteria
            Projections.Alias(Projections.Max("Date"), "maxDate"))
        .Add(Restrictions.EqProperty("**sn.COLUMNNAME**", "n.Id"));
    var results = CurrentSession.CreateCriteria<Note>("n")
            Projections.Alias("n.Id", "Id"))

    Not sure if it is 100% correct but it might make things a little more clear. Make sure you change the text between the (**) to the column name in SubNote that is supposed to match the Id in Note.