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Salesforce - passing a string from one class to another! - APEX

I have a issue at the moment and I am not able to solve it.

Problem: I have 2 classes at the moment for example class A and Class B. Inside class A I have a for loop running on Accounts.

Class A{
    for(Account t: listAccounts){
         String abc = t.Name;
         String URL = '''&q2='+t.Name.......till q50';

So everytime this for loop runs on an account, it generates a new URL. I want a way to pass this URL from the for loop to another class which displays it on a VF page. So, the class B is the controller of the VF page.

The URL is going to be more than 500 characters long so its not possible to pass it as a custom setting and retrive it on the other controller.

Class B{
       public String getURL(){
         //Somehow fetch that URL everytime the loop runs 
         return URL;

Now, the VF page will call this controller class B to retrieve the URL and display it as a output link.

What I have tried: I have tried to use getters and setters but it did not work. Why? because the VF page strictly calls a getURL() method with no parameters.

I also tried to save it in a custom setting but since the length is so long it would not be possible!

Please help. Any kinds of helps will be much appreciated!


  • Thanks guys for the help but the only way out I could find is saving it on a custom object which has a look up on Account and then doing a SOQL to get it in the Class B.

    Thanks for the help guys!