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C# conditional AND (&&) OR (||) precedence

We get into unnecessary coding arguments at my work all-the-time. Today I asked if conditional AND (&&) or OR (||) had higher precedence. One of my coworkers insisted that they had the same precedence, I had doubts, so I looked it up.

According to MSDN AND (&&) has higher precedence than OR (||). But, can you prove it to a skeptical coworker?

bool result = false || true && false; // --> false
// is the same result as
bool result = (false || true) && false; // --> false
// even though I know that the first statement is evaluated as 
bool result = false || (true && false); // --> false

So my question is how do you prove with code that AND (&&) has a higher precedence that OR (||)? If your answer is it doesn't matter, then why is it built that way in the language?


  • Change the first false by true. I know it seems stupid to have (true || true) but it proves your point.

    bool result = true || true && false;   // --> true 
         result = (true || true) && false; // --> false
         result = true || (true && false); // --> true