This took me a while. A long while. I battled two problems at once (circular dependencies, fixed with refactoring, and this problem). To get this problem into a JSFiddle required a LOT of work... but I think it was worth it. So:
I define three widgets:
r.AppMainScreen -- This is the main app's widget. Easy: just a bunch of tabs, and a button which contains a simple button, which goes:
// SUbmit form
this.form.onSubmit = function(e){
dialog = new r.RetypePasswordDialog();;
return false;
Pretty uninteresting.
r.RetypePasswordDialog() -- A templated widget which represents a dialog box. The only interesting thing about it is:
< input name="password" id="${id}_password" data-dojo-attach-point="password" data-dojo-type="app.ValidationPassword" />
It's a simple custom widget, defined in this very file, which does validation. NOTE: I know there is no point in having a subclass here for this little work. Please keep in mind that this is an example.
An augmented ValidationTextBox with some extra validation.
If you click on the button, you get:
Uncaught Error: Could not load class 'app.ValidationPassword
...?!? app.ValidationPassword has definitely been defined. It ought to be available there. At the beginning, I thought it was because of aa circular dependency (it was very fun, yesterday: I had to learn about AMD circular dependencies WHILE trying to figure out this problem...)
If you uncomment this line, executed within the script:
TEST = new r.RetypePasswordDialog();
The whole thing works. It's a meaningless instance, and I cannot figure out why on earth this would or should make a difference.
Explanations most welcome... I couldn't find any!
Thank you,
app = new r.AppMainScreen( {});
You redefine the global app
variable here, but are trying to use it elsewhere as the base object for your type system. Use var
to scope variables to the function.