Can someone tell me, why the following html code makes a firefox window (on windows7) unresizable?
<!doctype html>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
swfobject.embedSWF("Menu.swf", "flashdiv", "100%", "100%", "10");
<body><div id="flashdiv"></div></body>
live testcase:
edit: i already tried to disable all addons. also i tried the firefox beta, but the window size is still locked when i am at this page.
That's a known bug with Firefox and Adobe Flash Player for a certain combination of Firefox and Flash Player. The bug has been filed both with Adobe and Firefox, you can read the details about this bug in the Mozilla Bugzilla entry.
If you are interested in the technical details of the bug, here's a description of what's causing the problem:
Jeromie reports that the problem is Flash releasing the Mouse Capture too early. As far as I can see, this is correct. Flash also seems to be eating our WM_CAPTURECHANGED messages, these are not filtering up to the Firefox WndProc. With Flash 11.4, we are getting these messages. So, not only is mouse capture being released early, we are not being told about it, so we can't try to grab the mouse capture ourselves (although this would be inadvisable anyway).
The bug has been reported as closed in the Adobe Flash Player bug database, upgrading to the latest version of Firefox and Flash Player should solve the problem. If that's not he case for you, try to follow the steps described in comment #58 of the Mozilla bug entry.