I was trying to setup a scheduled task in Linux Ubuntu Server 12.04 (CronJob) to perform a daily backup of all my MySQL Databases on midnight.
I have installed the known Webmin (A nice web interface for managing the Web Servers).
So my issue is: whenever the backup is being performed, the files are getting overwritten!
That means: The backup of the day before yesterday are LOST, only the "Yesterday" backup is being saved!
I have tried something like setting dynamic file path like:
but I had no success with that :(
Can anybody help me.
Thanks alot guys.
I made a shell script (not for webmin). Put it in /etc/cron.daily.
The scripts makes a backup of the database (stores it as .gz), then uploads it by ssh to another server. For the auth. i setup ssh keys, so no password is needed. The backup files have a unique name, so you don't overwrite the backup files.
This is how you can create a filename within script:
now=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`
Then you should write a a small script that removes all backup files that are older then x days.
# Creates a backup of a MySQL databases and uses ssh (sFTP) to send if to another server
# This script shouldbe called from the crontab
# MySQL user and password
# destination ssh
# Database to backup
# create timestamp
now=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`
# where we store the files
# backup filename
# run backup
$mysql_cmd -u $mysql_usr --password=$mysql_pass $database | gzip > $filename
# upload to sever (ssh)
scp $filename $dst_user@$dst_hostname: