If for example I have a class named A. Can I make an object be callable, just like Python does? For example :
def myObject = new A()
and that would call some object method. Can it be done?
In Groovy only closures are callable by default. E.g. Classes are not callable out of the box. If necessary you can dynamically add a call method to a type's ExpandoMetaClass to make all instances of that type callable.
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Closures are callable by default in Groovy:
// A closure
def doSomething = { println 'do something'}
// A closure with arguments
def sum = {x, y -> x + y}
// Currying
def sum5 = sum.curry(5)
To make all instances of a specific type callable you can dynamically add a call method to its meta class:
MyObject.metaClass.call = { println 'I was called' }
def myObject = new MyObject()
If you rather only make a specific instance callable you can dynamically add a call method to its meta class:
def myObject = new MyObject()
myObject.metaClass.call = { println 'Called up on' }