I'd would like disable the focus in all the buttons of my window. I can disable one button with widget.set_can_focus(False)
but I'd like to know the canonical way to apply this feature to all buttons in my window.
FYI, I am using HBox
and VBox
I would iterate through a list of the buttons and then use "duck typing" to disable their focus.
For example:
button_widgets = [button1, button2, ..., buttonN]
for button in button_widgets:
how to loop through all elements in a HBox or VBox to find buttons:
If you have the name of the HBoxes or VBoxes at the lowest layers containing the buttons you can simply loop through them, check for buttons and then add them to a list. Here's an example in which I print out all buttons in an HBox:
import gtk
import pygtk
hbox = gtk.HBox()
button1 = gtk.Button('1')
button2 = gtk.Button('2')
for i in hbox:
if type(i) == gtk.Button: print i
<gtk.Button object at 0x1909320 (GtkButton at 0x171e8e0)>
<gtk.Button object at 0x19093c0 (GtkButton at 0x171e9a0)>