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Checking for old and new file, creating one if nothing exists with vbscript

So I'm trying to write a script for Windows to check and see if both an old and a new outlook profile exists for a user. If an old one exists but a new one doesn't, it copies the old one and gives it a new file name.

I have a general idea of the syntax, looks something like this.

If Exist \users\%%UserName%%\%%OldFileName%% 

   If NOT Exist \users\%%UserName%%\%%NewFileName%% 

      copy \users\%%UserName%%\%%OldFileName%%  \users\%%UserName%%\%%NewFileName%% 

   End If

End If

Here's what I've been able to come up with so far.

Dim objFSO

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

        strOldFileName = “Default Outlook Profile.NK2”
        strNewFileName = “Default Profile.NK2”

    If objFSO.FileExists "\\comfilesrv1\users\%%UserName%%\&OldFileName&" Then
        objFSO.CopyFile "\\comfilesrv1\users\%%UserName%%\&OldFileName&", "\\comfilesrv1\users\%%UserName%%\&NewFileName&"
    End If

I'm not asking for anyone to write this for me, but if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.


  • Try this

    Dim objFSO, strOldFileName, strNewFileName, strOldProfile, strNewprofile, bOverwrite
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    bOverwrite = true
    strOldFileName = "Default Outlook Profile.NK2"
    strNewFileName = "Default Profile.NK2"
    strOldProfile = "\\comfilesrv1\users\" & UserName & "\" & strOldFileName
    strNewprofile = "\\comfilesrv1\users\" & UserName & "\" & strNewFileName
    If objFSO.FileExists(strOldProfile) Then
      objFSO.CopyFile strOldProfile, strNewprofile, bOverwrite
    End If