I have a query and I am trying to add the individual values that outputs in the end.
This is the query
<cfloop query="score">
<cfset scorefinal = score * answerweight>
<cfif getCategories.surveyidfk eq score.surveyidfk and getCategories.categoryidfk eq score.categoryidfk>
<cfset result = getcategories.cweight * scorefinal>
<cfdump var="#result#">
This code outputs 1.5 2.5 1.3
I need a method that will add these values in another variable that will allow me to show only a single value in the end.
I was thinking to store these values in an array and then add the elements of the array but I am pretty sure that there is a faster and easier way to do it.
I haven't used ColdFusion in a long time, but this should do it:
<cfset finalScore = 0>
<cfloop query="score">
<cfset scorefinal = score * answerweight>
<cfif getCategories.surveyidfk eq score.surveyidfk and getCategories.categoryidfk eq score.categoryidfk>
<cfset result = getcategories.cweight * scorefinal>
<cfset finalScore = finalScore + result>
<cfdump var="#result#">
<cfdump var="#finalScore#">