In the past I had successfully created several Google Earth tours complete with audio and animation. As best I can remember, I looked at one of my tours 2weeks ago? and things were working fine.
But I look at the tours now on both my local machine and my host web server and the google earth tours have disappeared. When I look in firebug at where the code should be, I see the following error:
Failed to process gadget Reason: Unable to retrieve spec for... HTTP error 404
I have not changed anything within my code, so am completely at a loss.
Can anyone share what might have happened or what I need to do to get my GEs going again? My web site is for where a tour should be.
I believe this is the GE tour gadget code I need...
but as you can see, clicking on the 'More info...' link takes me to...…
Does anyone know why GE Gadgets is not working at this time? Or what link I should be using to embed GE Tours? Can anyone confirm that GE Tours are having a problem, or is it me?
Much Thanks,
So I figured it out.
The embed code that was generated in the past was...
script src="http://
I'm not sure why or when it changed, but I found that the GE Tour gadget at this URL... generates this new embed code...notice the differences...
script src="//
Again, I'd love to know why things changed, but am happy to know there is an answer.