The following piece of code in my JSP caused a cross site scripting vulnerability on the input tag.
<form name="acctFrm" method="post" action="<%=contextPath%>/form/acctSummary?rpt_nm=FIMM_ACCT_SUMM_RPT">
<td>Account Id:</td>
<input class="tbl1" type="text" id="acctId" name="acctId" size="20" maxlength="10" value="<%=rptBean.getAcctId()%>"/>
<a href="javascript:doAcctSubmit()"><img class="tbl1" src="<%=contextPath%>/img/Submit.gif" border="0" /></a>
During Penetration testing they were able to alert some random message to the user by injecting a alert script in the value attribute of the tag as follows
<input class="tbl1" type="text" id="acctId" name="acctId" size="20" maxlength="10" value="1"><script>alert(12345)</script>" />
What is the problem here, and what would be the fix.
I was reading through some online references on XSS still I wasnt 100% sure on what could be the issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Deena
I have used the following solution,
The scriplet in the value attribute is the problem, I replaced it with jstl tag, I read somewhere that jstl tags have inbuild escaping mechanism to avoid xss issues.
<input class="tbl1" type="text" id="acctId" name="acctId" size="20" maxlength="10" value="<c:out value=${rptBean.acctId}"/>"/>
This works good for my issue.